Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Barcelona and Monaco

May 5 - 18, 2010

Since the Grand Prix of Barcelona and Monaco were back-to-back this year, we decided to go to both races. We met our friend Steve Cole (of ToursF1.com) in Barcelona, stayed in a great hotel, the Acta Atrium Palace, and found a restaurant close by that had great food at good prices (El Mussol). The Circuit de Catalunya track is really a neat one. We walked the entire track and it affords panoramic views of the area and great race viewing no matter where you are.

We stayed an extra couple of days in Barcelona to explore...exploration included local sights, figuring out where our cruise ship may come in next November, and finding a laundromat. While we'd heard of the architectural works of Gaudi, we'd never given them much thought. After seeing some of them, we decided that imagining and, maybe, drawing buildings like these are one thing. Building them is quite another. We look forward to our next visit to Barcelona. Very neat city.

Monaco is still Monaco! Packed with folks of every nationality, race time is an excellent time to people-watch. By the way, in the photo, the second building from the left is the one we used to live in. Did we have fun watching the port from that balcony! And we do miss it.

On our extra day in the Cote d'Azur, we caught the bus back over to Monaco and took one of our "usual" strolls...through the Princess Grace Rose Garden, past the port, up to our favorite bakery for a snack, and back over to hang out at the big dock and watch the boats come and go. Made us miss it even more. Next stop: Auburn, Indiana and Eldora Speedway, Ohio.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's About Time!

We should have started to keep some type of log when we first began traveling 10 or more years ago. But being working stiffs, we forgot about it until about six years ago when Gordon retired. But being somewhat internet-challenged, we forgot about it until about four years ago when Pati thought about writing a book or log about living in Monaco. But being lazy, we forgot about it until about a year ago when we got a new camera. So guess what? We got another new camera!

OK, so rather than sending out the occasional photo dump, we're going to do our best to chronicle the more interesting moments of the WW's World Wide adventures.

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