Thursday, April 12, 2018

Nice 2018: The March Report

Formula 1 Testing!

It did stop snowing in Barcelona and the weather turned nice.  We Easy Jetted over.  Hey, we used to disparage Easy Jet, but no more.  They've upgraded to Airbus aircraft, the prices are still low, their app is check-in magic, the people are friendly, and they run a great operation.  We arrived ready for Iberico ham and pork, rioja wine, pastries from the shop around the corner, and visits to our favorite restaurant, El Mussol.

We spent two days at the Circuit de Catalunya and a third shopping while dodging a major protest taking place at Plaza Catalunya and on Las Ramblas.  What were they protesting?  Who knows?  All we know is that a helicopter overhead downtown Barcelona is one noisy operation.

So, off to the track.  The Circuit is a train ride and about a two-mile walk from town.  It's well worth it for F1 fans like us.  If there's anything that can be considered a bargain in F1, testing is it.  Plenty of room to roam and watch the on-track action:

And some off-track action:

Over in the garages, the teams try to hide the cars as much as they can, but no one escapes the long lens:

Here we have everyone's favorite Finn, Kimi, who looks a little concerned...

Probably about this:

But he got going anyway.  Can you spot Maurizio Arrivabene in this picture?  Do you even know who he is?  Do you care?

Meanwhile, back on the track:

And finally, pit stop practice, and plenty of it:

We returned to Nice where the weather went to pot again.  Oh, well, there's always next year and there will be a next year!

The wiener dog contest was neck-and-neck for the entire trip.  Second-seeded Pati took an early lead only to be caught and surpassed by the ever vigilant Gordon.  The lead was passed back and forth, and we were tied at 18 when we left the apartment for the trip home.  And then, there he was, standing in the arrivals hall.  Gordon, not so vigilant this time, missed him.  Pati called "wiener dog"!  The wiener winner by a dog!

So, home for a couple of months to take care of business, then we're back on the Regent Seven Seas Navigator for the Grand Arctic Splendors cruise.  New York to New York in 89 days, via all points north.