Friday, June 19, 2020


Well, so, here we are.  It's June of 2020.  Don't know what to think about the Coronavirus pandemic...the whole thing seems just a little over the top.  Too many opinions.  There are protests against the police in many cities that have turned into riots with hundreds of people looting businesses, but we can't go to an automobile race because there would be more than 10 people there.  Wait, what?

So far, June's not been so good to us.  Our trip to Road America for an Indycar race is canceled.  The icemaker in the fridge has gone kaput, the cable and internet went down, and we're worried about the washing machine.  Pati's drivers license has expired...the DMV just reopened and the line goes around the building twice.

Seems everyone decided to start a garden this year (nothing else to do) so we struggled to just find some basil seeds and they're not growing well.  There is a plan to put a new roof on our building at the end of the month.  Rate things are going, maybe that would be better done in July, along with some necessary plumbing repair, in hope of avoiding floods and shit storms.

It's probably good that we already had the heating and air conditioning replaced in April.  We need to have our insulation beefed up, but the insulation people aren't allowed to work.  Maybe we saw them on the news, carrying 85-inch flat screen TV's out of Target.

We had, at least, a cruise from Barcelona to Montreal in September to look forward to, beginning with a side trip to Milan for a race.  Just finished up the cruise prep and were looking at plane tickets for Milan when there came greetings from the cruise line.  So sorry, your cruise is canceled.

What really chaps us is that last February, we spent a whole morning scouting out laundromats in Barcelona so we could wash our damn underwear between adventures.

On the bright side, the federal and state income tax people must not be working.  We haven't gotten the annual notice that we did something wrong and owe more money.  Amazon Prime is running like clockwork.  Good thing, we need ice cube trays before 5 p.m.  Period.