Friday, June 4, 2021

Time Flies

It's June, for heaven's sake. Fifteen months after this all started and we're still dealing with it. Illinois has finally entered something called a "bridge" status and those of us who have been fully vaccinated can go into a store without a mask and get the stink-eye from some folks. But they're still required in altogether too many places.

Getting the vaccine became important to us, since we were certain that we would have to present proof in order to cruise in October. We went off in hot pursuit of Mr. Pfizer or Mr. Moderna. Mr. Johnson would have been okay to find, too. We ended up driving into Chicago four times, since we couldn't find back-to-back appointments at the United Center and no appointments nearby. Once, just as Gordon finished up, a friggin' blizzard came off the lake and chased us all the way home. We slipped and slid on the freeway, praying for survival, while the local idiots continued to do well over the speed limit.

A few days ago, our October cruise was cancelled. 

The new front door, due to Covid issues, took not twelve weeks as suggested by the company, but nine months to arrive. 



It does close with a satisfying "thunk", it does not squeak, and it has a very secure lock. We're happy.

Since problems arise in direct proportion to available funds, the ceiling fan in the living room expired with an eye-opening BUZZ-CRACK!

The two downstairs fans match and are both visible from several angles, so it's two fans instead of one. While we're at it, we'll replace the one in the upstairs bathroom that quit on us, oh, about five years ago now.

We may actually leave the house and drive up to Road America for an IndyCar race in a couple of weeks. Film at eleven.

Oh, did I mention that we had to fix the refrigerator again?