Friday, August 18, 2023

Racing Through Summer 2023

 We took a trip down south to Alabama to see if Barber Motorsports Park was as good in real life as it looks on TV.  Answer: Yes. Beautiful surroundings, excellent planning and layout, and a good sense of humor.

We stayed a few nights in Birmingham and were pleasantly surprised. It's a very nice town. And there's a Buccee's!  We drove up to Huntsville and spent a couple of nights, just to look around. What we can say mostly about Huntsville is that they, too, have a Buccee's. But more importantly, they have a take-out joint called Jack's, and Jack's has the best baloney melt sandwiches on earth.  We're making them at home now.

So, came June and we headed north of the Cheddar Curtain to Road America for IndyCar.

A driver named Romain Grosjean was VERY lucky to have survived a horrible fire in a Formula 1 car a few years back. He has since gotten a ride in IndyCar, and we hoped that his penchant for off-track excursions had ebbed. Nope.

In August, we headed north again for the IMSA WeatherTech race. We usually walk over to the pit lane for this one, but for some reason they decided to have the race at 10 a.m.  Very unusual. Anyway, we just parked ourselves in our usual spot and hung out.

And that, folks, sums up the extent of our travels during the summer of 2023. As we write this, we're getting ready to pack for a trip to Barcelona and a cruise from there to Montreal. Film at eleven.