Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Walk On The Wild Side

Not too many tourists ever hear about the Sentier Littoral, much less get out on it.  The Sentier runs along the water from Nice almost to Ventimiglia in Italy.  In some areas, it's actually a sidewalk along the road, but in others it's a fabulous walk along the rocks.

Here, we've started from Plage Mala at Cap D'Ail (just west of Monaco) and walked to and through Monaco.  The Sentier continues at the extreme eastern edge of Monaco and follows the Cap Martin peninsula to Menton, France.

Here, we look back to Monaco and Roquebrune as we start out onto the Cap Martin peninsula.

The Sentier Littoral follows the sea.

The castle and chapel at the perched village of Roquebrune.

After passing below the train bridge, we continue toward the tip of the peninsula.


Around the tip of Cap Martin and here's Menton!

From here, the path continues into town and along the waterfront and beaches seen in the photo.  It continues out the other side of Menton, toward Italy.  We didn't have quite that much ambition this day.  We took the bus back to Nice and had a glass of wine.