Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Part 2: The Netherlands Again

We took two trains and a bus from Hamburg to reach Epen, Holland.  We had such a great time two years ago that we wanted to get out there and hike again, hopefully finding new and different trails.  Somehow, even though we started off in a direction we recognized, we always ended up in a place we hadn't been before.  We even got up onto the Grand Randonee one day and mixed it up with the real backpackers.

We stayed at the Ons Krijtland again and we can report that the food is as good as ever and the people are as nice as ever.  Since we posted the view from the balcony before, this time we offer the happenings in the field below:


The bride had a tough time keeping her dress out of the cow patties.  Here's one of our new paths:

And reaching the higher altitudes, we found several "ghost forests" like this one:

Of course, occasionally one encounters large (but friendly) obstacles on the path:

Last time here we walked to the American Cemetery at Margraten, Holland only to find that our camera was dead.  This time, we've done better.  Here's the cemetery...notice that almost no one's there.  It's quiet, somber, and touching.

While there, we talked for almost an hour with the docent.  A Dutch gentleman, he really knew the history of the war and the cemetery.  When we got back to the hotel and were talking to one of the Front Desk employees, we learned that the docent was his uncle.  Small world.  We found the grave of Lt. General Maurice Rose, a gentleman with a colorful, but not well documented, past.  Look him up, it's interesting.

Finally, there are so many names of those who are missing, and over 300 graves of those who are unknown.

After eight days of hiking and eating, we were sorry to move on, but Part 3 of the trip was getting ready to fire up at Circuit de La Sarthe and we needed to get there!