Monday, March 17, 2014

Darwin...Last Stop in Australia

While it's not a terribly photogenic place, Darwin is named for THE Darwin and it's still a little outback community of less than 100,000.  Apparently it's about to become a boom town because they're building a refinery (what a concept!) and  Japan has said they'll buy all the gas that can be produced.  Nice little town, but very tropical...apparently it rains every day, usually in the morning, and you wanna talk about hot and humid?  Unbelieveable.  This is very close to Kakadu National Park, the supposed site for Crocodile Dundee's base of operations.  Truly "outback", the town sports many many Aboriginal people, who for the most part, blend into the town as working individuals, but there were many who seemed to still have the Outback and speaking one of the native tongues to one another.  We had a tour of a wildlife park scheduled, but cancelled and just walked around town for a while.  Lots of military history in Darwin.  it was bombed by the Japanese during WWII and many ships in the port, including a couple of American ones, were sunk.  Several still lie at the bottom of the bay.

A view of the bay from the park:

That evening, in a salute to Aussies worldwide, Gordon let his hair down.