Saturday, November 7, 2015

Return to Barcelona

October took us to Barcelona again, ahead of our annual transAtlantic cruise.  We revisited our favorite spots, the Sagrada Familia, the Gaudi buildings, Decthlon (sportswear) and Desigual (unusual clothing.  Very unusual clothing).

Detail from the Sagrada Familia, north face:

We wonder how long we'll have to live to see the Sagrada Familia without cranes and construction fencing?  Mr. Gaudi, when construction began, said that God is his customer and is in no great hurry. Could be a long wait.  The crane is the official bird of the Sagrada Familia.

La Pedrera, still an occupied apartment building:

Casa Batllo:

And no trip to Barcelona is complete without a stop at the famous market:

Which was closed.  That kept us from eating our way through La Boqueria, but we did want some photos of all that food!