Thursday, December 24, 2015

Heading Back to Miami from the Amazon

We dropped anchor off Devil's Island, French Guiana, and watched the local Navy, or maybe Coast Guard, do their morning fishing from one of their vessels nearby.  Looked like it was going to be a big fish lunch.  We stayed aboard and made it a "sea day".  After a day of cruising the Atlantic, we visited Bridgetown, Barbados and then St. John's, Antigua (the saints are marching in again).

The Navigator gives guests a unique opportunity to watch the docking process.  Here we were arriving in Antigua.  That's our Captain at the controls, although we never did figure out who the dude in the blue shirt was.

For a little fun photography, here's our ship, reflected in the Aida cruise ship parked next door!

And more fun photography.  The little town of St. John's.

The final stop before Miami was San Juan, Puerto Rico, which offered yet another opportunity to visit the rainforest!  So, of course, we went to the El Yunque National Forest, the only rainforest in the United States National Forest system.  Absolutely beautiful.  Here are some different perspectives of El Yunque.

And so ended another fabulous trip, with a glass of wine and a sunset.

As always, we submit the Wiener Dog count, and in the Christmas spirit, no less.

  While there are lots of coconut retrievers in the Amazon, there are no wiener dogs.  Count:  0 to 0.

We did still have a tight schedule.  It was time to unpack, wash, visit doctors, dentists, and hairdressers and repack...headed out for Nice on January 1 for three months!  And then there's always the minor nuisance of Christmas and New that's why you didn't get a Christmas card.