Monday, May 2, 2016

Finishing Up in Nice

To some of our favorite people in Nice:  Pascal at the Spar store (kept us stocked with Armagnac), the lady at Carrefour who barked out the lane assignments for the checkouts (listen up!), the seamstress at the shop downstairs (and her many cats), the lovely gal at Nver (who greeted us every time we walked by), the dude at the Socca stand (more pepper!), all the friendly people at our local Casino Supermarket, Frederic the Optician (Optique Deppon, 21 Rue de France), the folks at the local bakery and our landlords, Declan and Helen, even though they're technically in Dublin.  Salute to you all!

Along the hiking path:

Nice's Coulee Vert with its fabulous fountains:

A geezer watching the girls go by in the Square Messena (wait!  We know that geezer!):

And farewell to Nice for 2016:

Our summer promises to be a quiet one, if anything can be quiet during this rather interesting Presidential primary season.  We'll be at a couple of auto races and that's about it until September when we visit the Galapagos Islands.  No Nice next year, by the way.  Stay tuned, because January 2017 will mark the beginning of quite an adventure!

Of course, no trip is complete without the Wiener Dog contest results:

Gordon kicks butt once again:  Gordon 39, Pati 31.  He spotted his last one at the airport on the way out of town...right after we ran into David Coulthard at the check-in counter.