Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, The Seat Belt Sign is On

We did stop in Acapulco, but we value our lives, so we stayed aboard ship.  The Cruise Director told us that the company hadn't called in Acapulco for some time because of the dangerous nature of the place and he was surprised that it's back on the list.  There were no reported incidents, so maybe things have improved.

San Diego greeted us with weather that's almost unheard of.  The old song about it doesn't rain in California, it Pours?  Correct.  We did get to spend the afternoon with cousin David and his wife Mary Kate, so that really helped cheer us up.  We had an overnight at San Diego since it was the end of the first segment.  Some people left, new folks joined, and the ship was fully occupied.  490 pax and 367 crew.

So Customs has a new game called zero something or other.  The game is that all the passengers have to get off the ship by a particular time, or else someone pays a fine.  So our instruction sheet said "if you are not planning to go ashore, go ashore by nine a.m.".  What?  The zero game was cancelled, however.  We figured that they got a good look at the gang on this ship and decided that making us all get off would result in at least half a dozen silver alerts.

Fast forward to today.  Enroute Hawaii and we are on the back side of that weather system.  Very rough seas.  Everything is tied down and it's interesting to watch the bar people juggle the drink trays.  Our hats are off to the wait staff.