Sunday, March 5, 2017

Milford Sound, Sydney, Brisbane: March 2

It was a dreary day at Milford, overcast and misty.  But to our surprise, we did cruise the entire sound, almost all the way to the visitor center at the top of it.  There, the captain spun the ship around about five times so everyone could get a good view.  Perhaps we were also waiting for the pilot...

Milford Sound is all about cliffs and waterfalls.  A couple of views from the ship:

We didn't take the cameras into Sydney this time, because we really just wanted a good walk up to the park to revisit the Anzac memorial.  We headed up there, but the memorial was closed for construction work.  Oh, well, it's a lovely park anyway, with botanical gardens nearby.  We ended up at the famous Sydney Opera House and then back to the ship.  Got our 10,000 steps, anyway.

Next stop was Brisbane (pronounced Bris-bin).  We knew we were going to see "crocs and wildlife".  What we didn't know was that we were going to the Australia Zoo, founded by Steve Irwin.  Crickey!

Fabulous zoo with animals from around the world.

Lots of crocodiles, many of them rescues from all over and nursed by the zoo's animal hospital.  The hospital never turns an Australian animal away and treats them all, young or old.  They have a big show at the "Crocoseum" with, of course, crocodiles, but the fun part is the birds.  Macaws, Cockatiels, various Parrots, and even a Condor are released and zoom overhead with all the appropriate squawking.  The crowd loved it.

At the Crocoseum...crickey!

This Condor is one big bird!