Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Greece, Part 1: April's Winding Down

At Rhodes, we hopped on the bus to drive to the Acropolis of Lindos (see?  everyone has an acropolis!).  This temple is dedicated to Athena.  It's a long climb up lots of steps to the top, and there's two ways to do it.  Either ride a donkey or hoof it.  We went on foot.

Descending back down to the parking lot, we found a field with an open gate and barged right in. Turns out that the field was the donkey's break room and several of them were wandering around. The view of the Acropolis was great, though.

Approaching Santorini Island, it looks as though the hilltops are covered with snow, but the snow turns out to be the island's villages.  Everyone has seen the pictures of the whitewashed villages with the blue or white roofs.  There is only one place where most of the ships come in these days, and we didn't even drop anchor.  Santorini sends out their own very nice tenders to bring people to shore.  We headed off the the village of Oia (pronounced eee-ah).  Not much to do in Oia except take pictures or shop.  Shopping, by the way, seemed to be some people's life's work and it almost got to be a competition.  We took pictures.  Oia:

While we were in Oia, the ship moved to the main city of Santorini, Fira, and dropped anchor.  We hopped back onto the bus (bus, bus, bus) and drove over to Fira for a walk around.  It's picturesque.

Fira's at the top of the hill, and there's only one way down the hill to the dock, a cable car.  We HATE cable cars, and apparently the four Koreans sharing the car with us felt the same because their eyes were the size of saucers.