Saturday, December 1, 2018

The 2018 Crossing

This crossing from Barcelona to Miami was kind of an extra added attraction.  We flew to Barcelona to spend a couple of days, one of them in a hotel we would have never sprung for.  Regent footed the bill.  We indulged in our usual meal of Iberico ham and sausage, but also tried something different.  We have enjoyed our duck pates and terrines so this time we branched out and tried Iberico pates.  They are excellent!  Of course, we dined at our favorite place, El Mussol.

The weather allowed a longer walk, so we went up to the Sagrada Familia.  We hadn't been there for about three years (in spite of being in Barcelona a lot), and we can report that they're making a lot of progress on the building.  Here's some of the detail from the building:

And we found this guy slaying a dragon along Passeig Gracia:

Leaving Barcelona, we were to visit Cartagena, Malaga, Funchal and Bermuda.  Bermuda Thanksgiving was the title of the cruise.

In Cartagena, we visited the old Roman parts of the city, including a museum built around a Roman cemetery and dedicated to the various findings as the excavation was completed.  Our guide had lived, as a child, very near the cemetery and he told of he and his brother climbing the wall and stealing bones from the cemetery.  Well, it got him started because now he is an archeologist and, funny, next in line to head the preservation committee!

Detail from the Cartagena Town Hall:

Right now, they're excavating a Roman arena (where the games took place) that is within walking distance of this Roman theater (where plays were put on).  By the way, for racing, you need a Roman circus.

We left after dark, so we couldn't see the submarine pens near the docks.  Next stop, Malaga, but not our usual Malaga day at the market buying almonds and figs...we're off to the Alhambra!