Sunday, April 14, 2019

Nice 2019: Le Carnaval

King of Cinema was this year's theme.  We went to the parade on a beautiful, sunny Sunday and the Big Heads were amazing.  And, ACTION!

We thought the King was a little nondescript this year, but the Queen was quite lovely:

Poor Harvey, he never gets a break...

Recall, Gerard Depardieu decided that he likes Russia better than France, so, salut, Gerard, mon ami:

Charlie Chaplin, done in absolutely perfect black and white:

And Hitch, complete with birds...

As always, nothing and no one is sacred.  Every public figure is roundly mocked at Carnival.

Finally, Charlie again.  This float was absolutely amazing and so popular that the organizers finally left it in the plaza so everyone could get a picture.

On Avenue Auber, animals are great.  Especially someone's parrot that screeches all day every day.  Some new people moved in across the way with two cats.  We call them PeeWee the adventurer and Popeye the watcher.  PeeWee first decided to visit the balcony next door.  We watched Popeye watch the humans trying to coax him back.  Priceless.  Next day, PeeWee adventured a little too far...two floors up and he couldn't get back down.

Meow?  Meow!  MeowMeowMeowMeowMeow!!

Popeye went inside and took a nap.  PeeWee was finally rescued through an upstairs apartment.  So disappointing that the pompiers weren't called.  That would have been a show.  Sorry to not have video.  We were laughing too hard.

We can report that while Jack Russell Terriers, Yorkies, and Chihuahuas are still very much in vogue, one now sees the rise of the Cocker Spaniel and the Shiba Inu.  Wiener Dogs are still around, and this year, Pati won the contest 34 to 29.

This year was so good, we've rented the same apartment for next year.  I mean, why not, y'know?