Monday, September 16, 2019

On Up the Road a Piece

Gordon's birthday was the next day and he wanted to spend it in the city of his birth and eat Chik-fil-A.  So up the road a piece, we spent the afternoon and evening in Roanoke, Virginia, Star City of the South.  We drove downtown to see his grandmother's house (still standing after all these years) and stopped at the local hot spot for dining:

Yes, it's the Texas Tavern.  Chili and buttermilk.  Or a hamburger for a buck-fifty.  Ten stools at the counter.  And according to the sign, yes, ladies like to eat here.

After Roanoke, we headed to to DC to see the kids.  We went to an Irish Pub to have brunch, drink Guinness, and watch Arsenal play football.  Then, we took a little nature hike at Roosevelt Island.

We tried to get the herd of deer to pose for us, but they were having none of it.  Anyway, everyone was well in DC and after a great visit that included the grandchildren and our cousins Amy and John, we headed back home, but not until walking through a boisterous wedding reception at the hotel where someone was butchering what was left of what appeared to be a goat.   In the foyer.  So glad we missed the ceremony.