Monday, December 23, 2019

Arica, Days Off, and Puerto Montt

A day at sea brought us to Arica, Chile where we took a trip inland and into the Atacama Desert.  Juan Diaz Fleming created these giant Tutelar statues, representing man, woman, the womb, and earth.  Again, such a landscape.

Pati said she thought she'd seen the great stinking desert, but was apparently mistaken.

And check out the hieroglyphs.

We then visited both Coquimbo and San Antonio, Chile, but we stayed on the ship.  We knew that this part of the cruise might be boring.   Not too much to see without a long, long shore excursion through the desert.  We werer right.  But, we were witness to our Captain Ubaldo Armellino's superior driving skills.  In San Antonio, he and the talented crew turned the ship 180 degrees in a space so small that we could almost bump fists with the deckhands on the cargo ship on the next dock.  Wow.

Next stop, Puerto Montt.  We took a ride to Petrohue Falls, which are fed by the ice on the volcano. 

The southbound odyssey continued...