Monday, December 28, 2020

The End of 2020

Thank heaven.  This year is finally drawing to a close.  What a nightmare!

Our September cruise was canceled, and not long after we went to all the work of booking several dozen shore excursions for the March, 2021 cruise, it too was canceled.  The election didn't turn out the way we would have liked, but at least the latest Illinois tax grab scheme failed at the polls.

We've ordered a new front door unit.  It'll be beautiful.  But the manufacturer is short-staffed due to Covid (oh, everything's due to Covid these days) so when it will arrive is anybody's guess.  The only way to know for certain would be to make a plan that can't be canceled without forfeiting a lot of money.  The door would be sure to show up, then, at the wrong time.  If it ever gets here, we'll post a picture. 

Optimistically, we have booked hotel rooms for two IMSA races next year and are still sitting on a couple of cruise bookings.  Christmas is behind us...hip, hip, hooray for Christmas Vacation!!  And here comes the New Year...auld lang syne.  The acquaintance we'd like to forget is that damn mask.


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