Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Skagen to Trondheim

 We left Copenhagen for Skagen, Denmark and headed for Voergaard Castle. No photos allowed inside, but it's a pretty neat place:

From there, we drove to nearby Saeby, home of our tour guide, whose husband fed her lunch of pickled fish and cheese on toast. Denmark. What a cute town!

This is the oldest house in town, built sometime in the 1600's:

The little church in town is famous for its frescoes.

On the way back to the ship, we stopped briefly to see the Buried Church. It seems that a church was built there back when, but the area is famous for shifting sands. The sands began to take over the church. At first, the intrepid worshipers dug it out every Sunday just to see the sand try to reclaim it again during the week. They finally gave up. Most of the church is literally buried. All that's left on the surface is the tower:

Apparently there is a sand dune moving across the area even today, slowly but surely. They're keeping an eye on it lest it eat up any more buildings.  Our next stop was Stavanger, Norway. This is a really nice town where the ships dock right smack in the middle of downtown. It doesn't get any better than that. We took a walk. Next stop, Olden, Norway. We made it a "sea day" and stayed aboard.

Kristiansund, Norway gave us the opportunity to do a repeat drive on the Atlantic Ocean Road. It's about eight kilometers of impossible engineering with beautiful views.

Onward to Trondheim, Norway. We visited the Ringve Museum, which is a private collection of musical instruments, many of them very antique:

Our guide, a very talented young lady, was actually allowed to touch the instruments:

Okay, I tried to get a better photo. But, hey, never mind the old lady with the fancy camera! Just stick your cell phone in front of her!

Next, we went to the Nidaros Cathedral. We'd had an outside visit to the building last time we were there, but this time we went inside. Some said that it's just another cathedral, but to us, it had "wow" factors everywhere. We have more photos, let us know if you want to see them.