Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Le Mans 2011 Part Deux

Early in the race, Audi had a spectacular crash and lost one of their new cars.  Check out:


for video of the crash.  As evening approaches, you have to decide what you'll do:  stay all night or return to the hotel for a quick shower, quick sleep, quick breakfast and return to the track the next morning.  Of course we took the sissy route and opted for a change of clothes and coffee.  Before leaving at 11:00 p.m., we caught the following video. 

Le Mans At Night 2011

Shortly after we left, Audi had yet another spectacular crash which put the track under yellow for about three hours for repairs to the Armco.  Obviously, they lost their second new car.  At the end of the race, however, their remaining car and one of the Peugeots were only 20 seconds apart...after 24 hours!  Good news and more good news...Audi won the race.

The next day, we bussed back to Paris and spent the night, then flew to Barcelona the next day.  Another quick overnight and we were on our way back home.  That's a lot of dirty clothes!