Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Le Mans 2011

We went to the 24 Hours of Le Mans two years ago and enjoyed it so much, we vowed to go back.  This was a good year to go because Peugeot and Audi each had three new cars.  We were not disappointed.  The way this thing works is you meet up with the group at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris and take a four-hour bus ride to the hotel in Tours, have dinner with the group that night, then depart for Le Mans after breakfast the next morning.  You hang around all day looking at stuff and enjoying the carnival atmosphere, then get to your seat for the 3:00 p.m. race start.  Click below to see the start, then move to our post Le Mans 2011 Part Deux for more!

Le Mans Start 2011