Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week Five!

We're in week five of the construction project, and now we're gettin' somewhere.

The granite has been installed in the kitchen.  Once the new tile is up on the backsplash, we're done in there except for some electrical work:

This picture really doesn't do justice to the granite.  It's really interesting.  There is actually black in it in several places, and over by the sink there's an area we're calling "the ink spots".  Next to the stove, there's a place that looks like splattered paprika.  We'll probably keep trying to clean that up for a few weeks until we get used to it.  And, it has sparkly spots all over the place.  It's really better than we expected.

Now, the bathroom is shaping up:

There's the new vanity, and the medicine cabinets are partially done.  They'll have mirrored sides when we get finished.  As an afterthought, we've decided to put granite on that ledge next to the tub (underneath the heat register).

And, the shower tile's in.  Obviously, we're now missing a wall (glass brick, being installed next)  and perhaps some fixtures would be nice.  It appears that we're just a couple of days behind schedule, but we're down to little stuff and everything should be done in a week or so.  Stay tuned!