Monday, December 8, 2014

Eight Days at (Urp!) Sea

Pick up course 212 degrees and straight on until Auckland.  Aside from some major plumbing issues caused by fellow passengers who were not clear on the concept that marine commodes should only be used to dispose of that which has already been eaten, things began well.

The daily "at sea" routine was shortened.  Going for a Promenade just couldn't be done.  Way too hot out there.  Better to sit inside and drink champagne.  Greg The Butler continued to pamper us all.  Let the party continue!

For crossing the date line, one gets a certificate.  But crossing the equator calls for a ceremony that dates back to the 1500's.  It is during this ceremony that all Pollywogs (those who have not crossed the equator by ship) become Shellbacks (those who have).  We, of course, are now three-time Shellbacks and get to laugh at the initiates.  King Neptune and his court arrive:

And they regale the officers with gifts.

Next, the Pollywogs are dragged in...

The Pollywogs, it seems, are guilty of many heinous crimes, such as leaving the show early to be the first one in the elevator or eating lunch while reading the dinner menu.  To atone for their crimes, they must first kiss the fish.  Now here we have a complaint.  On Regent, that fish is real!  They got it outa the freezer!  On Crystal, the fish looked suspiciously plastic.  Anyway, having given up the kiss, the Pollywogs are covered with yucky stuff and thrown into the pool.  This couple takes the dunk for the most horrible crime of all...they brought their children on a Crystal cruise.

For the next couple of days, the captain turned on the seat belt sign.  It was rough.  Water crashing over the bow kind of rough.  Even Pati started to feel a little rough! More champagne!!  Followed by howling at the full moon:

The weather calmed down and we arrived in Auckland.  It seemed strange, after 28 days on the ship, to sleep in a bed that wasn't rocking.  Had a nice view out the hotel window, though.  Believe it or not, people bungee jump off that tower.  NFW.

Next, a flight from Auckland to Queenstown on the South Island and the party continues.  But without Greg The Butler.  Oh, we miss that guy.