Monday, December 8, 2014

Up Your West Coast!

Between the Panama Canal and San Diego, we saw flying fish and Pacific Dolphins...people were dashing all over to see them...but you hadda be FAST to get pictures, and we weren't, so take our word for it.

As mentioned before, we couldn't go to Zihuatanejo (which is really the only place we considered getting off the boat).  So it was on to Acapulco.  We value our lives and belongings, so we stayed aboard.  Looking ashore, two things were prevalent:  for one, polluted air.  It looked like Los Angeles did back in the 70's.  The other?  Volkswagen Beetles.  Real ones.  All over the place.  They use them for taxis.

Here's the view from the ship (see the VW taxis?):

And, goodbye Acapulco:

Next stop, Cabo San Lucas.  Not a big deal unless one wants to buy the usual cheap Mexican silver or a sombrero or two.  It does have its pretty parts, though!

Back in the US of A again, we called at San Diego.  Here, we actually went ashore.  Pati had her hayday in San Diego back in the late 70's, flying her boss's girlfiends around and spending most weekends in the area.  She was amazed...while some things were the same, so much has changed! Here's our ship, docked at "what has changed", but it's next to "what's the same":

The waterfront area is much improved, the there's even a tram through the middle of downtown.  We walked around and were amazed by the Jessop Street Clock at the shopping mall:

Huge clock!  (I said "clock").

The aircraft carrier USS Midway is now a museum at the waterfront:

And check out this fun statue nearby!

Here's one thing about San Diego that hasn't changed.  The people on the left side of the airplane can still wave to the people in the bar atop the El Cortez hotel.  At the water, that's Anthony's Fish Grotto on the right.  It's been there for-freaking-ever.  The red-hulled ship is the Barque Star of India.  Same for her.

Departure from San Diego meant four days at sea on the way to Hawaii, and the usual "at sea" routine, breakfast, read a book, take a walk, and then wait for Greg The Butler to arrive with afternoon tidbits and his traditional Bon Appetit.  Let the party continue, as he would say.