Sunday, August 16, 2015

Meissen and Along The River Elbe

The big attraction in Meissen is the porcelain factory.  Naturally, Viking had a shore excursion to visit the factory, but we figured, in the immortal words of one of our Aussie friends:  if you've seen one, you've seen them all.  So, we had a late breakfast and took a walk through town.

It's a quaint town, and the building style was the eyeball-shaped dormer window.  It felt as though all the buildings were looking back at you.  Here's a cute side street:

And the view from the boat as we pulled away:

We did walk up to the cathedral seen in the picture.  If you've seen one...

The remainder of the day was spent floating on the Elbe.  Silent, and then suddenly..."Baaaaaa!"

Another fine castle along the banks:

And perhaps these folks weren't expecting company...look close!  Not a pretty sight.

Now we were on the way to Madgeburg, where we'd disembark and head for Berlin via Potsdam.