Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Galapagos 2016, Back to Baltra and Home

Overnight, the boat relocated to Baltra.  Bright and early, we Zodiak'd ashore, turned in our life vests for the last time, and bussed back over to the aerodrome.  This marked the beginning of the 30-hour odyssey home, which included an eight hour stop in Guayaquil, clearing Customs in Miami, on to Chicago, and the limo ride home.  Nice to be home, but it was a great trip that we'd recommend to anyone who's not afraid of Zodiaks and likes wildlife.

Watch this site for a link to the photo album that we're working on.  We've got to finish going through the several hundred pictures we took and keep the best, so we don't bore people completely to death.

In closing, we'd like to point out that life in the Galapagos is much different.  Most people have a dog on the front porch.