Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Galapagos 2016, Day 5

After a Zodiak ride ashore, we took a 45 minute bus ride to the tortoise breeding center at Galapaguera Cerro Colorado.  Galapagos tortoises are endemic to the islands and are the iconic species of the archipeligo.  In fact, the name of the islands has come from these animals.  It was the saddleback shape of the shell that reminded the early Spaniards of a type of riding saddle known as a "galapago".  The tortoises' size and their ability to survive made them good hunting for sailors in search of fresh meat.  Thus, they were hunted almost into extinction.  Today, breeding and release efforts by the Charles Darwin Research Station are helping to maintain the remaining populations.

This was a very interesting tour, and here are just a few of the highlight pictures:

In the afternoon, we sailed for Cerro Brujo, passing Kicker Rock along the way:

While some kayaked, we relaxed.  We were treated to a fantastic sunset near Kicker Rock.

Another late departure, and we were headed for Isla Santa Cruz.