Sunday, July 15, 2018


There were three cruise ships in port at Southampton, two of them were the huge ones with, like, five million passengers.  And they were all at Stonehenge.

The whole point is just seeing it, so here it is:

Also in the area are hundreds of Iron Age burial mounds like this one:

We also visited Salisbury with its amazing cathedral where one can view a copy the Magna Carta.  It's called a copy because in order to spread the word of what the King had agreed to, many copies were made by hand and sent around England.  Few survived the years.  We hoped that people back then had better eyesight because it's in Latin and very tiny writing.  No photos allowed.

But it was OK to take pictures in and around the cathedral:

We liked these guys:

A hound guard near St. Ann's Gate:

The next day we were in Portland, UK for a short day.  The crew were excited because the Seven Seas Explorer was parked next to us and they got to get together with their friends.  We decided to take the day off and enjoy the views from the ship.  And catch up on laundry.