Friday, December 21, 2012

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik!  And rain!

We were actually fortunate.  It quit raining about the time we arrived at the dock and held off for the rest of the morning.  Dubrovnik, outside the old city walls, is modern and busy.  We walked through the modern part, which is very nice, from the dock over to the old town.  The old town in completely surrounded by a huge wall and the thing to do in Dubrovnik is walk the wall.

The town itself is composed of a main promenade with connecting alleyways.  Many of the alleys go about a block and then begin to climb toward the walls.  Steeply.  The area is filled with shopping and restaurants and is always crowded with tourists, but it's really a neat place.  You can find more information online.

Here are some views from the ramparts:

Here you get an idea of just how tall those walls are!

Another view, this time from the other side of town, looking out onto the Adriatic.

Seriously beautiful.