Thursday, December 20, 2012

Next Stop: Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor, Montenegro sits at the very end of a fjord.  Originally, the town was built on the shoreline (this still exists) and extended up the mountain.  About halfway up, a church and a small village (the church is still there, but the village is just foundations).  At the top, Fort St. John to protect the village from the Turks and others, who apparently liked the priviledged location and were continually trying to take over.  To discourage attack, the ramparts contain not just the town, but the entire mountainside and fort.

We were told that there are something like 3,200 steps from the town up to the fort.  Yes, approximately that...but we made it.  Here's a view from part of the way up (that's our ship at the dock, the other one is one of the Princess fleet):

And from the top:

A view of Fort St. John from the path:

At the end of the day, everyone went out on deck to sip adult beverages and watch the sailaway through the fjord.

Imagine how much work it took to build this little church!

Next we are on to Corfu, Greece and Brindisi, Italy.