Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fall of 2012 - Venice, To Begin

Several years ago, we booked an Adriatic cruise on Regent that they canceled because the boat broke down.  This year, Seabourn was doing pretty much the same cruise using their 200-passenger Seabourn Spirit.  We had already booked passage from Monaco to Rio de Janiero on a 17-day cruise with Regent that was leaving about 10 days after the Adriatic cruise.  It just seemed like a good idea to take both cruises and visit Jeff and the gang in Sofia during the stretch.  So the six-week odyssey began.   

We blew Pati's American Airlines miles on Business Class tickets to Venice.  Had a great trip even though we had to go through, oh, deliver us from, London's Heathrow.  We spent a couple of days in Venice, walking around and occasionally getting lost.  The view from the Academia Bridge was fabulous, in spite of the haze.

There were several HUGE cruise ships in port, and it was wall-to-wall tourists at Piazza San Marco.   We did get a few photos of  the church itself, though.

It really was amazing how many people were in town.  We laughed when we were hauling our luggage over the one bridge between us and the bus station...the school kids (teenagers and university students) travel in packs and they're like herds of buffalo.  The herd never travels directly over any bridge, it moves diagonally, aimed at the exit point nearest the destination.  Hapless tourists with baggage are completely irrelevent, and run over.

We enjoyed this shop window so much, and wished we had a means to get a couple of these masks from Venice to our apartment in Nice for Carnaval!

Gordon made a talented new friend:

And then it was time to sail!  Here's our suite aboard the Seabourn Spirit, complete with champagne:

We puzzled over why the flowers in the room were in a peanut dispenser.  OK, that's an inside joke.  Cruise with Regent to understand.

Leaving Venice on the ship, the scenery was great.  A couple of examples.

The second one is, of course, the Piazza San Marco, full of people as usual, but beautiful!

Saying so long so Venice, we watched the sunset and headed for the bar while Captain Steig headed for Kotor, Montenegro.