Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pula and Return to A Flooded Venice

Pula, Croatia is a place where a person could spend some time!  Pretty little town with lots of shops and the ever-present collection of ancient churches.  The big thing here, though, is the best-preserved Roman amphitheatre outside of the Colisseum in Rome.    Check it out:

We were intrigued, so after we walked around town a bit, we ventured inside.  It's actually cut into a hillside, so seating on the cut-in side is intact and one can walk around on it.

The next morning, we arrived back in Venice, where we spent the night before disembarking.  We wanted to stay out of the crowds, so we took a back way that we'd discovered on the first visit...we left the San Basilio Terminal on foot and circled west past the main port, only to discover that there were NO (zip, zero, zilch) big cruise ships in port!  Good, we thought, we'll walk back over into the main part of town and it won't be so crowded.  It wasn't, but we found another surprise:  flooded.  No matter which way you went, you were cut off by a flooded sidewalk.  Apparently the combination of high tide and a storm fixed Venice up but good.  Rubber boots were in demand and vendors were selling them on the sidewalk.  Here's one view of water over the banks:

We weaved our way back to the ship...we thought.  Actually, we wound up about 500 feet from it.  The area was flooded and we had to backtrack all the way through town (dodging flooded sidewalks again) around to our original path.  Well, we wanted the exercise!  Here's what the area looked like from the terminal dock, once we finally got back there.

Only the folks with the rubber boots were making it through.  We thought that it was improving that night, but found in that in the morning, it was actually worse.  Glad we saw Venice at the beginning of the trip!